In a solemn announcement, the Israel Defense Forces have released the names of four valiant soldiers who tragically fell in the recent battles in southern Gaza. This disclosure comes as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the line of duty, sacrifices that weigh heavily on the hearts of a nation.

The fallen heroes are:

  • Staff Sergeant Urija Bayer, 20, from Ma'alot Tarshiha, a fighter in the Maglan unit, Commando Brigade, who succumbed to severe injuries sustained in combat in southern Gaza on December 14, 2023.
  • Staff Sergeant Liav Aloush, 21, from Gedera, a fighter in the Duvdevan unit, Commando Brigade, who fell in the battle in southern Gaza.
  • Reserve Sergeant (Mil.) Etan Naeh, 26, from Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, a fighter in the Duvdevan unit, Commando Brigade, who fell in the battle in southern Gaza.
  • Reserve Sergeant (Mil.) Tal Filiba, 23, from Rehovot, a fighter in the Yahalom unit, Combat Engineering Corps, who fell in the battle in southern Gaza.

These soldiers were fatally wounded as a result of an explosive device detonation and gunfire directed at their force. Their bravery and commitment to their mission exemplify the spirit of the IDF and the resilience of the Israeli people.

In addition, the IDF has permitted the publication of the name of Sergeant Major Boris Donbavski, 21, from Kiryat Bialik, who fell in combat in northern Gaza. Boris, a lone soldier serving in the Armored Corps' 46th Battalion, 'Iron Trails' Brigade, had made the selfless decision to immigrate to Israel and serve in its defense forces.

As we mourn the loss of these courageous souls, we are reminded of the harsh realities of conflict and the price of freedom and security. Their sacrifice is not just a loss for their families and loved ones but for the entire nation. We honor their memory and recommit ourselves to the values they upheld – courage, dedication, and an unwavering resolve to protect our homeland.

In the face of adversity, we stand united, drawing strength from the bravery of those who have given their all. We remember and honor our fallen heroes, their legacy a beacon of inspiration and resilience for us all.

Tagged: Israel News