February 22, 2024 - As the dawn broke over the landscapes of Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) concluded a night of decisive action against terror, marking a significant stride in the ongoing battle for peace and security. In a series of meticulously executed operations, IDF forces detained 17 wanted individuals and dismantled terror infrastructures, reaffirming Israel's unwavering resolve to protect its citizens.

A Night of Strategic Operations

Throughout the night, security forces launched targeted raids across Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley Brigade, apprehending suspects involved in recent terror activities. In Beit Rima, a village in the Ephraim regional brigade, six wanted individuals were taken into custody, showcasing the IDF's commitment to dismantling terror networks from the ground up.

Seizing Terror Funds and Weapons

The operations extended beyond arrests, with IDF forces confiscating terror funds in Qalandiya and the city of Ramallah, in the Benjamin regional brigade. In Deir al-Hatab, Samaria, another suspect was arrested, and weapons caches were seized, including explosives found on a main thoroughfare, ready to be deployed against Israeli forces.

Idf Forces

(Photo credit: IDF)

The Battle Against Hamas

Since the onset of the conflict, over 3,200 wanted individuals have been arrested, with more than 1,350 linked to the Hamas terror organization. This relentless pursuit underscores the IDF's strategic depth in combating terror and safeguarding the nation's security.

Intensifying Offensive in Gaza

In a parallel effort to neutralize threats, IDF forces from Brigade 162 deepened offensive activities in the Zeitoun area, north of the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, Brigade 98 continued to eliminate terrorists and destroy terror infrastructures in Khan Yunis, demonstrating the IDF's operational versatility and determination.

(Video credit: IDF)

Naval and Aerial Superiority

Highlighting the multidimensional approach to counter-terrorism, IDF Naval forces struck and destroyed several Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad naval vessels in southern Gaza. The Fire Brigade 215 directed combat aircraft to attack over ten terror targets in Zeitoun, effectively countering attacks against Israeli forces.

Ground Forces' Valor

Ground operations saw the bravery of IDF soldiers in face-to-face combat, neutralizing approximately 20 terrorists in Zeitoun in collaboration with the Air Force. Notably, soldiers identified and eliminated an armed terrorist with an RPG, preventing a potential attack.

(Video credit: IDF)

Shielding the Home Front

In a testament to Israel's advanced defense capabilities, the Air Defense Command successfully intercepted a projectile launched towards Israeli territory from the Red Sea area using the "Arrow" system. This operation ensured the safety of Eilat's residents, highlighting the technological edge and vigilance of Israel's defense mechanisms.

Stay tuned to DaJobnik for the latest updates on Israel's defense efforts and the unwavering courage of the IDF in safeguarding the nation's future.

Credit to IDF for the information provided.

Tagged: IDF Israel News