February 23, 2024 - In a series of coordinated and precise military operations across the Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have delivered significant blows to terrorist infrastructures, eliminating key figures and dismantling weapon caches. These operations, particularly focused in the west of Khan Yunis and the Zeitoun area, underscore the IDF's commitment to neutralizing threats and ensuring the security of Israel's borders.

The 7th Brigade's Precision Strikes

The fighters of the 7th Brigade combat team have been at the forefront of the action in the west of Khan Yunis. Over the past day, they have successfully eliminated more than ten terrorists through sniper fire and the use of remotely manned aircraft. A notable incident involved the brigade's fire complex identifying and directing an Air Force aircraft to eliminate three terrorists who had fired an RPG missile at an engineering tool of the force. This operation, which also saw the destruction of a weapons warehouse, a war room, and military buildings, was executed without any casualties to IDF forces.

Commando Formation and Givati Brigade Operations

The commando formation continued its operations in Khan Yunis, with the Maglan unit discovering a significant weapons cache containing dozens of rockets, charges, and mortars. Concurrently, the Givati Brigade's battle team launched an offensive to destroy terrorist areas and eliminate threats. Prior to the attack, the Air Force, in collaboration with the brigade's fire complex, targeted operational buildings, sniping positions, and ammunition depots, further crippling the terrorist infrastructure.



Division 162 and the 401st Brigade's Continued Efforts

In the north of the Gaza Strip, Division 162's forces pressed on with their campaign against terrorist targets in the Zeitoun area. The 401st Brigade's combat team played a pivotal role, eliminating over ten terrorists through sniper fire, drones, and combat helicopters. This operation also led to the discovery of weapons and military equipment, marking another victory in the IDF's ongoing efforts to dismantle terrorist operations.

The Nahal Brigade's Tactical Successes

The Nahal Brigade's battle team made significant strides in the center of the Gaza Strip, eliminating several terrorists over the last day. A critical operation involved neutralizing a terrorist squad at an observation post, a strategic move aimed at safeguarding IDF forces. A combat helicopter, directed by field forces and the Gaza Division, successfully executed the strike, further demonstrating the IDF's tactical superiority.



Joint IDF and Shin Bet Operation

In a notable joint operation, the IDF and the Shin Bet security service eliminated Yasser Hanon, a prominent figure in the Islamic Jihad and a former prisoner involved in military activities. Hanon, responsible for numerous shooting attacks against IDF forces and Israeli settlements, was targeted by a remotely manned Air Force aircraft as he was en route to carry out another attack. This decisive action underscores the IDF's and Shin Bet's relentless pursuit of individuals threatening Israel's security.

(Yasser Hanon - The terrorist who was eliminated)

Stay with DaJobnik for the latest updates on the IDF's defense efforts and the ongoing commitment to safeguarding Israel's future.

Credits: Information for this article was sourced from the IDF Spokesperson's Unit (דובר צה"ל).

Tagged: IDF Israel News