“Victory Over Hamas, Our Undying Resolve”

🔴 On March 21, 2024, Israeli Government Spokesperson Raquela Karamson shared critical updates on the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, marking Day 167 since the war began on October 7. This briefing offers a poignant reflection on the devastating impact of the conflict, highlighting the tragic loss of over 1,200 lives and the kidnapping of 253 Israelis, underscoring the deep scars left on the nation and its people.

🛡️ Karamson reaffirms Israel's unwavering commitment to its core objectives: the return of all hostages, the complete destruction of Hamas, and ensuring Gaza can never threaten Israeli security again. The briefing emphasizes the strategic and humane efforts undertaken by Israel to minimize civilian casualties, establish humanitarian corridors, and provide unprecedented levels of aid to Gaza's civilian population.

💬 The update also includes a strong message from Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, criticizing the abandonment of Israel in its time of need. Additionally, Karamson provides an overview of the logistical challenges and achievements in delivering aid to Gaza, highlighting the discrepancy between the aid sent and the amount distributed by the UN.

🎯 The operational focus shifts to the IDF's precision operations, especially around the Shifa Hospital, used by Hamas as a terrorist stronghold. Karamson outlines the successful neutralization of terrorists and the seizure of funds intended for terrorist activities, demonstrating Israel's relentless pursuit of peace and security.

🌍 The briefing concludes with an international perspective, sharing insights from a conversation between the Israeli Prime Minister and US President Joe Biden, where the commitment to eradicating Hamas was reiterated, despite differing views on the method.

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